
Welcome to the Pre-school web page, on this page you will find useful information about Pre-school and each room individually. We will update this page throughout the year with the latest information and hope that you find this information useful.

Within our provision we plan fun and exciting activities for the children to play, learn and explore following the EYFS guidelines. During each session the children spend time with their key carer who plans activities based on the children’s needs. The main school policies are followed where suitable giving each child the opportunity to explore in a safe and secure environment.

Parent information

How to support your child at home presentation

Pre-school Staff

The staff in Pre-school 2025 are:

  • Aafrin Parveen - Pre-school Lead (Level 3)

  • Katie Fallows - Early years SENDCO (Level 2)

  • Steph Keys - Violet room Leader (Level 3)

  • Sam Medlycott - Daisy room Leader

  • Sophie Fagan - Poppy room Leader

  • If you have any queries please speak to the room leader or alternatively email the Pre-school.

Pre-school sample timetables.

Below is a sample timetable which reflects a typical week in Pre-school. Pre-school participate in PE on a Wednesday.

Violet room Sample timetable (2 Year Old)

Poppy and Daisy room Sample timetable (3/4 Year old)

Phonics and ‘Fred games’

In Pre-school we introduce the children to phonics through developing the children’s listening skills initially. In the 2 Year Old provision we encourage the children to listen to what’s around them and identify what they can hear such as cars and trains, the doorbell and musical instruments as well as story telling, songs and rhymes. When the children come through to the 3/4 Year old provision we continue to develop those initial skill as well as begin to introduce the schools RWI programme. The children will get a short RWI session everyday which will be anything from building vocabulary, to sounds and ‘Fred games’. This will then prepare the children for their RWI sessions in Reception and beyond.

For more information on RWI click here

Phonics support at home - workshop

EYFS Vision;

For children; pupils who are happy, enthused, curious, safe, have a love of learning. We cater for our diverse demographic by giving all children what they need including a range of experiences, books and vocabulary to develop the breadth and depth of their knowledge. We want our children to leave Early years as well-rounded individuals with an understanding of our school values, SMSC and British values as well as strong social skills and confident in their wellbeing.

For staff; we want our staff to be skilled and confident to carry out our vision through having a passion for Early Years and wanting the best for our pupils. We want our staff to feel confident to have some autonomy to try new ideas and get involved in decisions and planning around the children’s learning and interests. Staff should be knowledgeable about all areas of learning to enable them to push learning forwards ensuring all children make good or better progress. Our leaders offer a bespoke support and CPD programme to allow staff members to grow and develop their knowledge and skills to further support the development of the children in our setting.

For environment; We want our environment to offer a wide range of resources to support the development of cultural capital, awe and wonder and learning opportunities. Our environment is enticing, reflects the various cultures within our community. We have a strong focus on communication so our environment is print rich, interactive, engaged, changes regularly to reflect the children needs and interests as well as promoting independence.       

For standards; We aim to offer the best standards possible in early reading and maths supporting all children to make good or better progress. We have designed our curriculum to ensure we are striving for the best for all children based on their start points through regularly challenging and scaffolding their learning to enable them to be ready for next stage in their education.

Pre-school Aims;

  • To provide an environment where children can learn and develop while still learning new skills to use both in group time and free flow play.

  • To build a supportive partnership between home and school to help both families and child.

  • To encourage children’s independence ready for the next step in their school life.

  • To support the children in developing their confidence, self esteem and well being.

  • To involve parents (and other adults) in pupils’ work

Pre-school Expectations;

  • Tapestry – sharing with you what the children do at school as well as you sharing with us what you do at home together.

  • Home learning – Pre-school will set a home learning document with tasks related to the topic or parts of the curriculum to be carried out at home. We would love to see your efforts on tapestry. These are updated regularly.

  • Reading - Encouraging the children to listen to the world around them as well as stories as an introduction into early reading and listening skills.


In Pre-school we use a wide range of materials to support the children’s learning such as investigation and creative development. We are currently asking for donations of the following materials:

  • Multi cultural clothing

  • Soil

  • Gardening equipment

  • Play sand

  • Junk modelling

    We always accept donations of:

  • Clothing aged 2-5   

  • Spare knickers/pants and socks

  • Spare shoes and wellies

  • Toys such as cars, barbie dolls or puzzles

Any donations would be greatly appreciated.


Please find a link to Pre-schools Twitter page here. This will filled with updates of things we get up to at Pre-school.

Useful Information

List of allergens