Click here to go to our page about our Phonics scheme
Click here to see our William Harding Reading Strategy and William Harding Writing Strategy
Click here to view our English Long-Term Overview
If you would like to find out more about our EYFS curriculum, please click here
At William Harding we believe that English skills underpin academic achievements but also personal well-being and life-long success. This should be applied not only across the curriculum but in the wider world. Our aims for our English curriculum are to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.
We aim for our pupils to:
read easily, fluently and with good understanding
develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas
are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.
make progress to becoming a correct speller, using neat legible joined handwriting
make fair critical responses about their own English work, that of their peers and that of popular authors and poets
exercise choice about the best way organise and present their ideas, including the ability to plan, draft and edit their work
We use a high quality novel study approach encompassing a wide range of texts that vary in genre and culture as well as including those from our British Heritage, exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary, irrelevant of their personal circumstances. We have an overview that ensures coverage, consistency and high expectations across the school, but also allows teachers to adapt to the individual needs of pupils and cohorts.
The curriculum objectives are taught progressively through the novel study which is covered through daily English lessons and SQUIRT lessons, as well as revisited across the curriculum implicitly and explicitly through cross-curricular writing opportunities. There is a long term overview detailing the texts and genres for each half term that also suggests the additional writing opportunities and skills to be taught under each unit. The skills are repeated in a way that allows for professional judgement of teachers to adapt their teaching – the daily plans are where the specific needs of the learners are addressed.
Year 1 to 6 have 5 English lessons a week, plus regular phonics/spellings sessions, SQUIRT sessions and handwriting sessions. Phonics is taught using RWInc. We also have dedicated reading areas in each classroom, a well-stocked library, home readers selections and online readers. English skills are promoted and rewarded through events and incentive schemes. We also have a vocabulary strategy to ensure the profile of spoken language is high.
The aim of our approach to teaching English is that pupils will;
have experienced a wide range of texts exposing them to range of viewpoints and experiences
have developed detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum that they can also apply in the wider world
be passionate and enthusiastic readers, writers and speakers
have an understanding of a broad range of vocabulary
The National Curriculum states that pupils should be taught to read fluently, understand extended prose and be encouraged to read for pleasure. This is to be taught through word reading/decoding and comprehension.
In the Foundation Stage, the practitioners introduce concepts of print and phonics skills through both daily Read Write Inc (RWInc) sessions and regular English focus sessions, where appropriate.
In Key Stage 1, Phonics sessions continue to be taught daily. Texts are also explored through the main English lessons as the class explore the novel being used within our novel study approach, as well as applying reading comprehension skills to a range of other high quality texts. Skills taught include understanding the questions being asked and returning to the text for the answer, as well as beginning to understand inference and prediction.
In Key Stage 2, the focus is on developing higher order reading skills such as inference and deduction, skimming and scanning and the ability to read texts critically.
Each classroom will have a dedicated reading area. This will have comfortable and appealing seating with a wire rack showing high quality books that will be regularly rotated. Children are encouraged to use them whenever then can.
Super Quality Uninterrupted Reading Time (SQUIRT) happens several times a week in years 2 - 6 groups to ensure there is a dedicated time to exploring texts and promoting reading skills. This is usually the book being explored within the novel study, but on occasions may be other high quality texts to support teaching specific skills and ensure pupils are exposed to a wide range of texts.
The SQUIRT session happens directly before the English lesson for 15 minutes in KS1 (Year 1 start in summer term) and 30 minutes in KS2 and will often feed in to the main English lesson, where relevant. Children will, where possible, have one copy of the text each and will be following the text using a ruler. They will have opportunities to read the text alone, with a partner, by a peer or by their teacher. The rest of the session then explores the texts through various reading skills, linked to learning ladder statements, including lots of questioning using VIPERS – vocabulary, inference, predict, explain, retrieve, summarise.
At William Harding, wider reading and reading at home are well promoted. We have well stocked libraries and we set ambitious expectations for reading at home. Children are encouraged to choose suitable and challenging books, which they are interested in to take home as well as share in school, in order to promote reading for pleasure. Other ways in which we support this include: encouraging individual reading through the reading rocks challenge, whole school book events and reading clubs.
In order to promote writing development, we treat children as writers, from the earliest stage providing a range of experiences where the children can acquire confidence and a positive attitude to writing. Within the curriculum, we dedicate time to providing opportunities for children to explore a range of texts, We ensure they write for a range of purposes and audiences, using guided writing sessions to model writing skills and teaching children how to compose, amend and revise their writing, so they become critical readers of their own writing. Grammar and punctuation is taught in the context of high quality texts, children’s own writing, as well as through discrete lessons where appropriate. We also teach strategies for spelling to enable children to become confident and competent spellers.
In the Foundation Stage, children have opportunities within their learning environment to develop and practice mark making, see teachers model writing in a variety of contexts and then practise these skills themselves.
In Key Stage 1, children begin to learn how to write in a range of styles, for a variety of audiences and purposes, with dedicated time to unpick the writing skills discovered within the chosen novel and texts and try this for themselves, exploring a range of grammar, vocabulary and punctuation.
In Key Stage 2, more time is dedicated to planning, drafting, evaluating, editing and proofreading their work. Children are encouraged to use a more sophisticated range of vocabulary and imagery by accessing dictionaries, thesauruses and reading more challenging texts.
Throughout all writing work high quality texts are used, talk for writing is promoted and time for planning, editing and revising is essential. Children are given a range of stimuli for writing, ranging from role-play to ICT, and write for real purposes as often as possible.
At William Harding, we dedicate at least one lesson per week to ensure that children have a substantial amount of time to apply and practise all their writing skills they have been learning through an extended writing lesson. This is supported by a weekly cross-curricular writing session too.
In Reception and Year 1, spellings are covered through the RWInc phonics programme and children move onto spellings when ready. Year 1 have an additional weekly focus on common exception words.
In Year 2, children continue on RWInc where necessary, otherwise this slot because a half an hour spelling session. This uses PiXL spelling resources. Spelling skills are also taught in the year 2 English lesson dedicated to SPAG. Spelling is then practised for at least two other ten minute slots per week.
In Key Stage Two, there is a dedicated half an hour spelling lesson early in the week, where spelling patterns are taught, according to our school spelling overview. Spelling is then practised for at least two other 15 minute slots per week. Spelling skills are also taught in the Key Stage 2 English lesson dedicated to SPAG.
Those working below age related expectations in spelling will have extra interventions to support them.
Spellings are also taught throughout the novel study as appropriate, to ensure skills are applied throughout the curriculum.
The Cursive handwriting style is taught and modelled across the whole school. We use the RWI rhymes to help with letter formation in EYFS and KS1. The aim is to produce writing which is legible, consistent and of high quality. All staff (including teaching assistants) are to model cursive handwriting when modelling writing, as well as marking. Examples of good cursive handwriting should be seen around the classroom on displays and in modelled writing or labels.
Foundation Stage; the emphasis at this stage is with movement and fine motor skill development. Letter formation (starting at the right entry point and then moving in the right direction) learned at this early stage becomes automatic and has a profound influence on later fluency and legibility. Pupils are to be taught to use lead-in and lead-out strokes, as they are ready for letter formation. Some children may not be taught cursive, if it is not appropriate to them.
Key Stage 1; Building on the Foundation Stage, pupils at Key Stage 1 develop a legible style and begin to use fully cursive handwriting in by starting to join their letters. This is dependent on ability not the age of each child. It is expected that the majority of children will be joining by the end of Key Stage 1. Handwriting is practised daily.
Key Stage 2; The target for children in Key Stage Two is to produce a fluent, consistently formed style of fully cursive handwriting with equal spacing between the letters and words. In years 3 and 4 children are taught handwriting for a session early on in the week and then have two further practise sessions. In years 5 and 6, they have two practise sessions.
Pupils are moved to using pen when they are ready.
We use the MSL Rescue Handwriting scheme to support the teaching of this handwriting style. Our SEN pupils or others who have difficulties with handwriting may work through this booklet to support them as needed.
Those working below age related expectations in handwriting will have extra interventions to support them.
Spoken language and our Vocabulary Strategy
Pupils will be taught to speak clearly and convey ideas confidently using Standard English. They learn to justify their ideas with reasons; ask questions to check their understanding; develop vocabulary and build knowledge; negotiate; evaluate and build on the ideas of others; and develop effective communication. They are taught to give well-structured descriptions and explanations and develop their understanding through speculating, hypothesising and exploring ideas. This will enable them to clarify their thinking as well as organise their ideas for writing. These skills underpin not only English lessons, but all subjects, as well being covered by explicit teaching where appropriate.
Pupils’ acquisition and command of vocabulary are key to their learning and progress across the whole curriculum and vocabulary must be explicitly taught these skills. Teachers therefore develop vocabulary actively, building systematically on pupils’ current knowledge. They will increase pupils’ store of words in general and make links between known and new vocabulary. In this way, pupils expand the vocabulary choices that are available to them when they write. In addition, it is vital for pupils’ comprehension that they understand the meanings of words they meet in their reading across all subjects, our older pupils will be taught the meaning of instruction verbs that they may meet in examination questions. It is particularly important to introduce pupils to the language which defines each subject in its own right, such as accurate mathematical and scientific language.
To promote the development of spoken English skills at William Harding, we ensure that ‘thinking out loud’ is a strategy that all teachers model in all subjects, as well as encouraging other pupils to do the same. ‘Talk Partners’ and ‘My turn, your turn’ are regularly used strategies.
Performance poetry also contributes to spoken oracy and the development of Vocabulary. On a Thursday KS1/2 assembly, one class per week have learnt and perform a poem to the rest of the key stage.
Vocabulary is explicitly taught, across all subjects, to ensure language is developed consistently. To ensure that the children are developing their understanding of new vocabulary, all planning includes key language and a range of PiXL resources are used to embed vocabulary teaching across the curriculum.
At William Harding, we believe in promoting opportunities for children to develop their spoken oracy skills wherever possible. Our debates offer a platform for children to express opinions, listen to others, whilst developing their understanding of a range of topics. Debates are a great way for students to get involved in class. Students have to research topics, prepare for the debate with their team, and think on their feet as they practice public speaking. Learning how to debate does more than improve speaking skills; it also makes for better listeners. This supplements our explicit vocabulary teaching.
Every Tuesday, classes engage in a topical debate, where speaking and listening skills are taught and modelled and children have opportunities to take on a range of roles.
This term our debate topics have included; Is Reading important? How to stay safe online, The right to vote, Vegan vs meat eating, the power of sport and character investigation activities.
Reading Scheme and Reading at Home
Children read using our online reading schemes to ensure they are exposed to a wide range of texts. These are at an appropriate level of challenge for the child, as monitored by teachers. Children read RWI ebooks in EYFS, KS1 and into KS2 as needed. When children have completed the RWI scheme they will read online books on Oxford Reading Buddy.
Children will be heard regularly in school, through SQUIRT sessions, reading comprehensions lessons and 1:1 in interventions where appropriate.
Children are expected to read their RWI ebooks at least 3 times a week. This should be recorded in their online journal by a parent or carer. We encourage children to read a book more than once, as this encourages confidence in reading, fluency and word recognition. However, if a child is not enjoying a specific book, and as the books become longer and more challenging, it is not always necessary to read the whole book twice.
Although we use Dojo points to encourage regular reading, it is not a race to rush through the books.
To support children's development in reading and English skills we encourage parents to read a range of books (stories, poems and information texts) to their children every day. Children have the opportunity to visit the library once a week to support families in this.
Children should be reading at least 3 times a week and recording this on the online reading journal.
Promoting reading
We promote reading at home with our ‘Reading Rocks’ initiative where children can earn Dojo points for reading regularly, choosing books from the book lists of high quality texts that have been shared with parents, as well as using the online reading platforms. Class teachers will check the online reading journals on Dojo each week and award Dojo points to individual children accordingly. Both the infant and junior class with the most points at the end of the half term will win a prize!
We now have online reading to support pupils and families at home with reading. Click here to find out more and how to use the online reading system.
Classes also regularly visit the library to take home books to further extend their opportunities with choosing from a wide variety of texts own choice, promoting a love of reading.
Teachers use their knowledge of pupils to support them in choosing books that are at an appropriate level of challenge for them, whilst still allowing them choice to develop their own passion for reading.
Reading skills are also a focus on the homework grids, to support parents with understanding the focus of reading development that half term. We also offer come and read sessions every half term, where parents are invited to come in and read with their children. During this time teachers in EYFS and KS1 also model reading and questioning to parents.
Promoting the profile of English
We have regular events over the course of the year in order to raise the profile of English. This may include anything from World Book Day to Sports themed reading/writing events, and depend on the needs of the school as well as current events and initiatives. Every half term we offer a ‘Come and Read’ session where parents are invited to come in and read with their child. We also run regular sessions where children across the school mix with older or younger pupils to enjoy reading together.
Personal development through English
As part of our enrichment offer at William Harding, we carry out weekly debates which also tie into our English curriculum. These debates link to current affairs in the world and key issues, developing responsible, respectful and active citizens and thus preparing pupils for their adult lives. These debates support the development of resilience and confidence, whilst developing their communication skills.
Through text choices in English, we also seek to ensure that we are promoting inclusion by exposing pupils to a wide variety of texts from a range of times and cultures. Also, we ensure that themes of British values are explored in texts as appropriate.
Pupils’ character is also developed by their opportunities to perform poetry in key stage assemblies, which supports the development of confidence and resilience. These skills are also modelled by teachers and developed in pupils through editing of writing, self marking, reflecting on our learning and next steps.