Physical Education and School Sport
Physical education is an essential part of the broad and balanced curriculum at William Harding School. We want our children to develop physically, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally through curriculum based physical education lessons and through the many extra-curricular opportunities offered to them.
The information below provides insight into the PE and Sport learning experiences our children receive at William Harding School.
Our high-quality physical education curriculum is designed to provide opportunities for our pupils to;
Be inspired to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities
Be physically confident which supports their health and fitness
Compete in sport and other activities regularly
Build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect be physically active for sustained periods of time
Engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives
Develop a healthy attitude to sport and hobbies as part of being mentally healthy
Introduction of Primary PE Planning
PE is taught twice a week in each year group for 45 mins at a time, split into indoor and outdoor lessons. Each lesson is broken into different learning objectives and outcomes, where pupils can have a better understanding of what they are successful in and how they can grow/develop further.
At William Harding, we follow the ‘Primary PE Planning’ scheme. The scheme of work has been developed to give ALL children the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, sport and life. It places the learner at the heart of what we do with the ultimate goal of children feeling valued, included, challenged and supported in their learning.
Other traditional subject areas e.g. netball, tennis, athletics etc, will be delivered by highly confident class teachers and members of the school PE & Sports team.
Through targeting lunchtimes, we are promoting active lifestyles. Staff from the PE team lead activities for our physically disengaged/inactive pupils.
Equipment is reviewed termly and new stock ordered when required to provide best possible learning experiences for our pupils.
Intra-school competitive opportunities
By providing more opportunities to compete we encourage our pupils to ‘be the best they can be’ and to develop core skills and values including determination, teamwork, self belief, passion, including respect and honesty - which are two of our school values.
Through the Mandeville School Sports Partnership and the Buckinghamshire Cricket program we are participating in a range of competitions and festivals to best meet the confidence, competence and motivations of all the young people attending. These events provide opportunities for all our young people including SEND, including Physical Disabilities and Speech and Language difficulties, and target groups to integrate and experience competitive and no competitive sport.
Pupil Leadership opportunities
The senior pupils have the opportunity to become a sports leader who are responsible for providing more opportunities for pupils to be active during school hours, by running a wide range of sporting activities. With the support of our specialist sports coaches, training is provided to develop their skills and qualities to lead, therefore having impact on a large number of pupils.
Enrichment & extra-curricular opportunities
Providing a broad and balanced enrichment and personal development offering at William Harding is key for us to give opportunities for our pupils to be active. We have identified core strengths of staff, to provide high quality experiences for all pupils, in a fully inclusive environment.
Through targeting lunchtimes, we are promoting active lifestyles. Staff from the PE team lead activities at lunchtimes for our physically disengaged/inactive pupil.
CPD for staff
Staff have access to a full range of CPD opportunities through the Bucks School Sports Partnership as we are committed to delivering a ‘pupil focused’ PE provision. Staff will also benefit from CPD opportunities available through School Sports Cluster Membership.
Primary PE planning offers a wide range range of resources for teachers to use and develop their teaching. This ranges from high quality plans and a wide range of video and picture resources.
All staff have unlimited access to the following CPD:
PE training for ECT’s
CPD from our specialist sports coaches.
From studying our physical education curriculum our pupils will be;
successful and excel in competitive sport
compete in sport and other activities regularly
able to embed values such as fairness and respect
physically active and fit
lead healthy and active lives
able to understand how sport and PE is linked to mental health
Click here for our William Harding Way
Click here for our 2024 Curriculum map
If you would like to find out more about our PE curriculum, please email the office FAO Mr Rayner, Mr Dawson and Mrs Munday.
Progression of multi abilities and Skills
At William Harding School we believe It’s extremely important to be physically active to improve our health and wellbeing. Therefore during the children’s lunch times we offer a wide range of sporting activities for the children to participate in. (Please click here to see our lunch time provision)
Active ideas/links
Please click on the link below for activities that you can do at home as a family or the children on their own.
Inter house Competitions (Click here for the competitions this year)
BSSN Festivals - As a school we are part of the Bucks School Sports Network who offer a wide range of fun sporting festivals for our children to attend.
Bucks Cricket - Over the last few years we have developed a good relationship with Bucks Cricket who come in and deliver fun engagement days for our children.
AVPSFA - As a school we participate in the Aylesbury Vale Primary Schools Football Associations leagues and cups.
Sporting Success:
23-24 AVPSFA - Girls A division league champions
23-24 AVPSFA - Girls A division cup champions
23-24 AVPSFA - Boys B division league champions
23-24 AVPSFA - Boys A division runners up
23-24 - District cross country boys runners up
23-24 Gold School Games Mark
SEND and Inclusion activities
We work closely with Wheel Power who offer a wide range of opportunities for our children to participate in a variety of sporting activities adapted to meet their needs.
Cross-curricular learning (English/maths sports themed activities)
PL Primary Stars Home Learning Hub
Challenge 1: Premier League Writing Stars Challenge - Get writing together and take part in this fun poetry challenge. Write your poems using the theme of 'ambition' and share them with us for the chance to have your poem showcased on our website.
At William Harding School, we are constantly looking to provide more opportunities to be active at school. We are pleased to offer a range of clubs which are run by teachers and sports coaches. These include football, tag rugby, gymnastics, hockey, dodgeball, running and more! Details of clubs are shared at the start of each half term.
If you would like to find out more about our PE curriculum, please contact Mr Rayner via the school office.