We are the family Liaison Officers (FLO’s) at William Harding School.
Our role is to provide pastoral support to both children and families. We run weekly drop in sessions for parents and also drop in sessions for pupils throughout the week, part of our role is also to monitor children’s attendance and look at how we can work with families to improve school attendance.
Sometimes the stresses of everyday life can be overwhelming for all of us and you may feel you just need to talk these through with someone. Please feel free to com in and talk to one of us either on the gate, our Monday morning drop in sessions, coffee mornings or through prearranged meetings.
FLO’s works closely with teachers and other members of the school staff to identify any issues or concerns that may be impacting your child’s education or wellbeing. By working collaboratively, we can ensure that your child receives the support they need to thrive both academically and socially.
We look forward to getting to know you and your children and working together to make their time at William Harding School a happy and successful one.
Meet the team
Mrs Bone - Lead Family Liaison Officer and Domestic Abuse Champion
Miss Gondolosi - Family Liaison Officer, behaviour support, online safety and nurture group sessions
Mrs Collins - Family Liaison Officer, medical support, Keeping Your Child in Mind sessions, Young Carers
Mrs Locke - Family Liaison Officer, Early Help support, Keeping Your Child in Mind sessions, bereavement support and Young Carers
Miss Irwin - Family Liaison Officer, Mental Health Lead and anti-bullying support
Miss Norris - Family Liaison Officer, attendance support, EBSA and school avoidance
Mrs Gannon - School Counsellor and Peer Mentors