Enrichment Curriculum
Documents to show you our Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Enrichment Curriculum;
At William Harding our intent has been to construct and deliver a curriculum that is academic and beyond and is centred around 'Culture Capital’;
It gives pupils diverse experiences and opportunities.
It is ambitious and designed to give pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and address social disadvantage.
Our entire curriculum is underpinned by the principles of British Values and SMSC, (Spiritual Moral, Social & Culture).
We intend our pupils to become responsible and respectful citizens who become actively involved in public life as adults and understand why volunteering is important.
‘Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens and prepared for life in modern Britain.’
We have built our enrichment curriculum around the belief that every child should have experiences and enrichment opportunities by the end of their year group. Below you will find our Enrichment Curriculum Overview.
We cover all of the National Curriculum content required and in addition we have Focused Learning Days (FLDs). The FLDs have been determined by the needs of our pupils and our community e.g. as we have an ARP for speech and language, we have an FLD covering DLD (Development Language Disorder).
Enrichment Curriculum Overview
Focused Learning Days Overview
Us, community, culture and the world
Supporting the child - Us, Community, Culture and the World
If you would like to find out more about our EYFS curriculum, please click here
Our goal is for all pupils to a wide range of experiences that enables them to understand the world around them from a viewpoint of experience and show gratitude, empathy and respect to all.
If you would like to find out more about our enrichment curriculum, please contact Mrs Skinner via the school office.